It is with utmost pleasure and honour that I welcome you all to this year’s reunion and celebration of the 38th Anniversary of our Alma mater, Command Secondary School, Abakaliki.
Let me thank those of us who have found time to be here, even as I send greetings and best wishes to those who, for one reason or the other, cannot be here with us, even as I hope that they will join us when next we gather. To the Reunion Committee ably led by Mariam Chukwuemeka (DCG). Thank you for a job well done. My thanks also go to all Sets, Chapters and individuals who have contributed to the success of the Reunion project.
A reunion, such as ours, is unavoidable. Apart from offering us the chance to reconnect, relive those cherished memories and rekindle old bonds, our reunion offers a rare opportunity to unwind, strategically enrich our contact bases and reminds us of the need to contribute towards the growth of our Alma mater.
Over the years, I have come to an irrevocable conclusion that no reunion is more rewarding than ours. This is especially true because ours is a convocation of a broad range of personalities in different spheres of human endeavors to tap from and yet a people leveraging on a common educational and foundational training.
Command Secondary School, Abakaliki is special to all of us. When you take into consideration the strict, mental, and physical discipline we have all had to go through in this great institution, our every meeting becomes more like a family reunion.
As we join all well-wishers to celebrate with pride, the 38th Anniversary of Command Secondary School, Abakaliki, as our Alma mater, I wish to pay special tributes to the teachers who gave us the sound foundation that has contributed, in no small measure, to our societal standing today. Let me also specially thank the management, staff, and students for keeping the flag of this citadel of learning flying high over the years.
According to Tim McGraw, a renown American country music singer, songwriter, record producer, and actor, “We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.” McGraw’s quote above is a pointer to the fact that the most enduring of all human impressions are the ones created through physical contact. We should, therefore, endeavor to hold dearly, the bond that links us all.
Commandos, today’s world is very demanding. Therefore, that you have created time out of your busy schedules to be here, is quite a sacrifice. How be it, I want you to be rest assured that at the end of this reunion event, the experience you will take back home will be worthwhile.
Time passes, things change but trust me, nothing can ever delete the memories of our School days in Command Secondary School, Abakaliki. So, let us keep our fires of hope aflame, holding hands and heart with faith in a greater future.
While wishing everyone an exceedingly successful and rewarding Reunion 2022, let me charge us to remember our common history – a cherished camaraderie we all share.
Together We Can!
Anthony Akan
Commandant General (CG)